Marketplaces and Online Sellers are Required to Submit Import Data to DGCE

Monday, 09 October 2023

Marketplaces and Online Sellers are Required to Submit Import Data to DGCE

JAKARTA. The government requires e-Commerce players, especially Electronic Trading System (PMSE) providers to establish partnerships with the Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DGCE).

The scope of PMSE providers includes, first, online retailers or merchants who carry out trade via electronic systems. Second, the marketplace whose function is to provide transaction facilities, either partially or completely, in one system.

The form of a marketplace, either in an application platform or in the form of a website, provides a platform for traders to offer goods or services to merchants.

Imports Exceeding 1,000 Items

The obligation to partner with DGCE applies only to PMSE providers who import more than 1,000 consignments in one year.

The definition of delivery goods related to this provision includes goods sent through postal operators in the form of Designated Postal Operators (PPYD) or Deposit Service Companies (PJT).

Meanwhile, the form of partnership carried out includes the exchange of electronic catalog data (e-catalog) and electronic invoices (e-invoice) for shipped goods as well as other partnerships.

Information in the electronic catalog that must be exchanged includes the name of the PMSE provider, seller's identity, description of goods, goods code, goods specifications, country of origin, unit of goods, price of goods in Delivery Duty Paid (DDP) delivery method, date of price implementation, currency type and item uniform resource locators (URL) link.

Meanwhile, the information in the e-invoice that must be submitted is; the name of PMSE providers, name of Goods Recipient, e-invoice number, date of e-invoice, description of goods, code of goods, quantity of goods, units of goods, price of goods in Delivery Duty Paid (DDP) method of delivery (incoterm), type of currency, exchange rate.

The information in the form of value, type, and party providing the promotion, in the event that there is a promotion. As well as information on the Uniform Resource Locators (URL) link for goods and the telephone number of the recipient of the goods.

Furthermore, these data must be submitted to DGCE via the Service Computer System (SKP), which is the computer system used by DGCE, related to customs supervision and services. (ASP/KEN)


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