International Network

To provide global services, MUC Consulting has become an independent member firm of MSI Global Alliance, a leading international association of independent accounting and legal firms with over 250 selected members in more than 100 countries, covering the Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East, and Africa. By becoming a member of MSI, MUC Consulting connects with other professionals in different countries so that the services offered by MUC Consulting can reach a wider area.

MSI by Numbers

  • Global Reach ≥ 100 countries 
  • 250+ member firms
    8,500+ member personal 
  • Membership 50% Legal, 50% Accounting
  • Top 10 International Association


Terms of Application for Advance Pricing Agreement Amended


Global Recognition
Global Recognition | Word Tax     Global Recognition | Word TP
Contact Us

MUC Building
Jl. TB Simatupang 15
Jakarta Selatan 12530

+6221-788-37-111 (Hunting)

+6221-788-37-666 (Fax)

Graha Pena 15th floor
Jl. Ahmad Yani 88
Surabaya 60231



For more updates and information, drop us an email or phone number.

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