IDR 23 trillion Collected, Digital Economy Tax Revenue Dominated by PMSE VAT

Friday, 05 April 2024

IDR 23 trillion Collected, Digital Economy Tax Revenue Dominated by PMSE VAT

JAKARTA. The Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) has collected revenue from digital economy tax of IDR 23.04 trillion. This amount has been accumulated since the digital tax collection policy took effect in 2020 until March 2024.

This revenue comes from various digital economy activities, such as types of levies such as Value Added Tax (VAT) on Trade Through Electronic Systems (PMSE), Crypto tax, tax on financial technology (fintech) or P2P lending, and tax on goods or services procurement transactions on the Government Procurement Information System (SIPP).

From the digital tax revenue, PMSE VAT dominates with the amount of tax collected amounting to IDR 18.74 trillion. While the amount of crypto tax collected was IDR 580.2 billion, fintech tax was IDR 1.95 trillion, and transactions in SIPP were IDR 1.77 trillion.


In detail, the amount of PMSE VAT revenue collected came from revenue in 2002 of IDR 731.4 billion, in 2021 IDR 3.90 trillion, 2022 IDR 5.51 trillion, 2023 IDR 6.76 trillion and during January-March IDR 1.84 trillion.

The collected PMSE VAT comes from the collection made by 154 digital companies that have been appointed as PMSE VAT collectors. The DGT has appointed 167 digital companies as PMSE VAT collectors.

Crypto Tax

Tax collection on digital currency or cryptocurrency transactions has been carried out since 2022 until now. The collection is applied for two types of taxes, namely Income Tax Article (ITA) 22 amounting to IDR 273.69 billion, and Domestic VAT amounting to 306.52 billion.

Here are the details of crypto tax revenue since 2022. In 2022 the tax collected was IDR 246.45 billion, in 2023 220.83 billion and 2024 112.93 billion.

Fintech Tax

Just like the Crypto tax, Fintech tax collection was also only carried out in 2022 which consisted of three types of tax levies. First, ITA 23 on loan interest received by domestic taxpayers and permanent establishments with a value of IDR 677.78 billion.

Second, ITA 26 on loan interest received by foreign taxpayers amounting to IDR 231.43 billion. Third, Domestic VAT on tax period payment amounting to IDR 1.04 trillion.

Transaction Tax on SIPP

The SIPP tax collected consists of income tax of IDR 119.88 billion and VAT of IDR 1.65 trillion.

If broken down annually, the SIPP tax revenue comes from IDR 402.38 billion of revenue in 2022. Then in 2023 the amount of tax collected was IDR 1.1 trillion and in 2024 IDR 252.16 billion has been collected. (ASP/KEN)


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