E-Invoice Application Version 3.0 Will Be Released In October 2020

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

E-Invoice Application Version 3.0 Will Be Released In October 2020

JAKARTA.  The Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) will release the e-Invoice (e-Faktur) version 3.0 application nationwide, on 1 October 2020. The existence of this latest version of the e-invoice application is expected to make it easier for taxpayers to carry out their obligations.

In this application there are several new features available.  Some of these new features include prepopulated input taxes, in the form of import declaration (PIB), prepopulated input taxes in the form of e-invoices, prepopulated VAT refunds, synchronization of stamp codes on the e-invoice application, and prepopulated tax return for the period of VAT.

With the prepopulated concept, VAT-Registered Persons (PKP) does not need to input tax data manually, because the system will provide the data. The concept has been used in the process of submitting an Annual Income Tax Return (SPT Tahunan PPh).

Read: Getting Sanction of VAT on Export Straight for A Better Indonesia

Previously, DGT had tested the use of this application on a number of VAT-Registered Persons since February 2020.

To be able to use this application, VAT-Registered Persons can download on the DJP website online with the link  In its announcement, DGT reminds that to prevent errors from occuring, application users must back up the database.

In addition, for the application to run smoothly, users must copy and move the data base in the old application to a folder in the new application.


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