
Strengthening Compliance Monitoring: DGT's Strategy Post-2024 Revenue Target

Wednesday, 29 May 2024

Strengthening Compliance Monitoring: DGT's Strategy Post-2024 Revenue Target

JAKARTA. To pursue the tax revenue target in 2024, the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) will strengthen taxpayer compliance monitoring. This action is necessary because, as of the end of April 2024, tax revenue has only reached 31.38% of the target and has contracted by 9.2% compared to 2023.

Quoting, supervision will be carried out professionally. The goal is to ensure that tax authorities carry out law enforcement for taxpayers. 

The supervision or compliance testing will be carried out for years that have passed or before the current year. Then, in conducting supervision, DGT will carry out risk management through the Compliance Risk Management (CRM) process.

Digital Forensic

This compliance proposal is also in accordance with one of the strategies prepared by the Tax Authority this year, namely organizing digital forensics. Digital forensics will be conducted, among others, when conducting preliminary evidence examination (Bukper).

A preliminary evidence audit is conducted to obtain evidence of alleged criminal acts in the field of taxation, as stated in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 177 Year 2022.

In addition to supervision, to pursue the tax revenue target, DGT will also conduct extensification and broaden the tax base. Among them, by encouraging the increase of active taxpayers and new taxpayers.

To encourage digital forensic activities, DGT is preparing a forensic laboratory in each Regional Office (Kanwil) and Primary Tax Office (KPP) throughout Indonesia. 

For information, until the end of April the amount of tax revenue that has been collected amounted to IDR 624.19 trillion consisting of non-oil and gas income tax revenue of IDR 377 trillion, oil and gas income tax of IDR 24.81 trillion, Value Added Tax (VAT) and Sales Tax on Luxury Goods (STLG) IDR 218.5 trillion, as well as land and building tax (L&B tax) and other taxes IDR 3.87 trillion.

The realization of tax revenue was influenced by several things. Such as corporate performance affected by the decline in commodity prices and the amount of restitution given. (ASP/KEN)

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