VAT Revenue from PMSE in January 2024 Totaled IDR 551.7 Billion, Marking a Modest 1.4% YoY Increase

Tuesday, 20 February 2024

VAT Revenue from PMSE in January 2024 Totaled IDR 551.7 Billion, Marking a Modest 1.4% YoY Increase

JAKARTA. The realization of tax revenue from trade activities through electronic systems (PMSE) throughout January 2024 was recorded at only IDR 551.7 billion. This amount only increased slightly by 1.4% compared to the same period in 2023, which amounted to IDR 543.9 billion.  

Based on a DGT press release on Tuesday (20/2), the amount of PMSE VAT revenue in 2024 came from the collection carried out by 163 designated business actors.

The number of business actors who have been appointed until the end of January 2024 is more than in January 2023, which was 118, as stated in a press release released on 13 February 2023.

Meanwhile, the total realization of PMSE VAT revenue throughout 2023 was recorded at IDR 6.76 trillion. With this realization, it shows that the trend of PMSE VAT revenue in recent years has continued to increase.

In 2020, the amount of PMSE VAT revenue realized reached IDR 731.4 billion. In 2021 it was IDR 3.90 trillion and in 2022 IDR 5.51 trillion.

Adding Two Collectors

The DGT also stated that in January 2024, they appointed two new PMSE VAT collectors, namely Sandbox Interactive GmbH and Zwift, Inc.

Thus, starting from the March tax period, the two companies are obliged to collect PMSE VAT on the transfer of intangible goods or content to customers in Indonesia.

The PMSE VAT rate that will be collected is 11% of the value of the digital product. And must make proof of VAT collection in the form of commercial invoice, billing, order receipt or similar documents.

In addition to adding collectors, in January 2024 the DGT also made corrections to the data elements of other PMSE VAT collection companies, namely Unity Technologies Aps and Tencent Mobility Limited.

In making the appointment, DGT will pay attention to whether the company has fulfilled the criteria as a PMSE VAT collector or not. 

Referring to Regulation of the Minister of Finance (PMK) Number 60/PMK.03/2022, the appointment of PMSE VAT collectors is only carried out by companies that have transactions with buyers in Indonesia with a value above IDR 600 million a year or IDR 50 million a month.

In addition, another requirement is that it can also be due to having traffic in the Indonesian region above 12 thousand a year or 1,000 in a month. (ASP/KEN) 


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