JAKARTA. MUC Consulting held a routine medical check-up (MCU) which was attended by employees and company management. The MCU was carried out by the University of Indonesia Hospital (UI Hospital) team.
The activity conducted on Tuesday (15/8) aims to evaluate annual health conditions. Thus, participants can detect and evaluate their health conditions.
The health checks included eye or vision checks, blood sampling, urine, and physical condition checks. In addition, participants of this MCU activity also had the opportunity to consult with a doctor regarding their health.
This activity is a commitment of MUC Consulting, as a company that upholds the value of a humane company in ensuring the health condition of its employees. The company hopes to mitigate the spread of illness in the work environment.
The number of participants who participated in this routine health check-up activity amounted to 50 people consisting of employees and company management. Meanwhile, MUC Consulting covered most of the costs of the medical check-up. (ASP/KEN)