Muhammad Ridho

Tax Compliance

Ridho is a Tax Consultant Manager in Tax Compliance Division. He is experienced in calculating Corporate Income Tax (CIT), Individual Income Tax, Monthly Income Tax Article (ITA) 21, 22, 23, 15, 4(2), also Value Added Tax (VAT). In addition, being a tax consultant in MUC Consulting since 2014 makes him expert in other areas, e.g. tax advisory, tax review, tax reconciliation, and tax amnesty.

In the competency test held every year by MUC Consulting, in the past four years, he always wins the title of the best competency test, namely in 2016 in Tax Compliance Junior, and in the years of 2017, 2018, and 2019 in Tax Compliance Senior.

Other than actively involving in internal competition activities of MUC Consulting, the man who likes travelling and playing futsal is also engaged in a social community, which is Tim Berbagi focusing on the education of children for orphans and/or dhuafa.

He is a Bachelor of Management of University of Indonesia and has obtained Ujian Sertifikasi Konsultan Pajak (USKP) A certificate.

Muhammad Ridho


Questioning the Inconsistency of VAT Application on Insurance Agent Services


Tax Clinic 

Confirming the Imposition of 1% VAT on Trucking Services in the Freight Forwarding Industry


Tax Clinic 

Global Recognition
Global Recognition | Word Tax     Global Recognition | Word TP
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