Lucky Hernandito

Senior Manager
Tax Compliance

Since joining MUC Consulting in 2001, Lucky Hernandito has been working on many tax cases, either those related to tax compliance or disputes of corporates and individuals.

In doing his job as a tax consultant, the Bachelor of Social Science of University of Indonesia has held the highest tax professional certificate (Brevet C).

He also actively shares knowledge and understanding of tax by being a presenter in varied internal and external seminars and workshops.  His great proficiency in taxes makes Lucky often requested to be a guest lecturer in several prominent universities.

Lucky Hernandito


Tax Clinic 

Tax Clinic 

Global Recognition
Global Recognition | Word Tax     Global Recognition | Word TP
Contact Us

MUC Building
Jl. TB Simatupang 15
Jakarta Selatan 12530

+6221-788-37-111 (Hunting)

+6221-788-37-666 (Fax)

Graha Pena 15th floor
Jl. Ahmad Yani 88
Surabaya 60231



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