Galuh Insan Sejati Suseli

Tax Dispute

Galuh has joined MUC since 2017. He is a graduate from the University of Indonesia. Starting from an internship program, he now has the status as a Supervisor Tax Consultant in the Tax Dispute Division. In his work scope, he assisted the Company in the process of Tax Audit, Tax Objections and Tax Appeals.

Galuh Insan Sejati Suseli


Getting to Know Tax Lawsuit, a Legal Remedy for Tax Administration Disputes

Tax Clinic 

Tax Clinic 

Global Recognition
Global Recognition | Word Tax     Global Recognition | Word TP
Contact Us

MUC Building
Jl. TB Simatupang 15
Jakarta Selatan 12530

+6221-788-37-111 (Hunting)

+6221-788-37-666 (Fax)

Graha Pena 15th floor
Jl. Ahmad Yani 88
Surabaya 60231



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