
TaxBlitz is a publication of MUC Consulting to provide our clients and business relations with information of latest tax policies or regulations. It can not be equated as professional advice or as a basis for formulating a business strategy. For subscription of Tax Blitz, please send your request by email to
Bantu BPJS Kesehatan, Cakupan Penerima Restitusi Pendahuluan Diperluas
Edisi 16 2019

Bantu BPJS Kesehatan, Cakupan Penerima Restitusi Pendahuluan Diperluas

Genjot Riset & Vokasi, Pemerintah Siapkan Diskon Pajak Hingga 300%
Edisi 15 2019

Genjot Riset & Vokasi, Pemerintah Siapkan Diskon Pajak Hingga 300%

Updated Regulation, CFC Rules Only Targets Passive Income
Edition #13

Updated Regulation, CFC Rules Only Targets Passive Income

Property Value Free from STLG Increase
Edition 12 2019

Property Value Free from STLG Increase

Nilai Properti Bebas PPnBM Naik
Edisi 12 2019

Nilai Properti Bebas PPnBM Naik

The Government Controls Goods Traffic in Free Zone
Edition 11 2019

The Government Controls Goods Traffic in Free Zone

Pemerintah Tertibkan Lalu Lintas Barang di Kawasan Bebas
Edisi 11 2019

Pemerintah Tertibkan Lalu Lintas Barang di Kawasan Bebas

Mutual Agreement Procedure Is Affirmed
Edition 10 2019

Mutual Agreement Procedure Is Affirmed

Tata Cara Prosedur Persetujuan Bersama Diperjelas
Edisi 10 2019

Tata Cara Prosedur Persetujuan Bersama Diperjelas

 Regulation Affirmed, Four Business Types Automatically PEs
Edition 9 2019

Regulation Affirmed, Four Business Types Automatically PEs

Ketentuan Dipertegas, Empat Jenis Usaha Otomatis BUT
Edisi 9 2019

Ketentuan Dipertegas, Empat Jenis Usaha Otomatis BUT

Export of Service Subject to 0% VAT Broadens
Edition 8 2019

Export of Service Subject to 0% VAT Broadens

Ekspor Jasa yang Dikenakan PPN 0% Diperluas
Edisi 8 2019

Ekspor Jasa yang Dikenakan PPN 0% Diperluas

Ini Ketentuan Baru Pajak atas Bunga Investasi Devisa Hasil Ekspor
Edisi 7 2019

Ini Ketentuan Baru Pajak atas Bunga Investasi Devisa Hasil Ekspor

Here’s the New Tax Regulation on Investment Interest of Export Earnings
Edition 7 2019

Here’s the New Tax Regulation on Investment Interest of Export Earnings

Lapor SPT, Grup Usaha Wajib Lampirkan Ikhtisar Dokumentasi Transfer Pricing
Edisi 6 2019

Lapor SPT, Grup Usaha Wajib Lampirkan Ikhtisar Dokumentasi Transfer Pricing

Global Recognition
Global Recognition | Word Tax     Global Recognition | Word TP
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