
Preparing for New Normal, Most of DGT Employees Start to Work From Office

Preparing for New Normal, Most of DGT Employees Start to Work From Office

JAKARTA. Some employees of the Directorate General of Tax (DGT) began carrying out their activities in the office or Work From Office (WFO), since 2 June 2020. Previously, DGT imposed Work From Home (WFH) for all of its employees since 16 March, 2020, following the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) emergency response status. 

Regarding this matter, DGT has issued Circular Letter (SE) of the Director General of Tax number SE-30 / PJ / 2020 concerning Guidelines for Implementing Work from the Office and Working from Home to prevent the spread of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) within DGT.

Based on these provisions, starting on June 2, 2020, the minister's expert staff, pratama high leadership officials, administrator officers, supervisory officers, supervisory supervisors or investigators begin to carry out their activities in the office.

While for other employees, it will be done gradually.  Starting on 2 June, each unit head must arrange work schedules from the office to 25% of DGT employees. Then starting on 15 June, the percentage will be increased to 50 %. 

Read: Simplifies The Supervision, DGT Places E-commerce Taxpayers in Special Tax Office

For DGT employees who have a history of chronic illness, have family members in the same category as asymptomatic person ( Orang Tanpa Gejala/OTG), person under monitoring person and patient under supervision or confirmed positive Covid-19, pregnant women and newborn as well as employees who are over 50 years, can still apply for Work From Home (WFH) permission.

According to DGT, as stated in its written statement, the activities of working in the office are carried out by DGT as a form of adaptation to follow work patterns in the new normal order.
However, DGT still officially applies WFH and non-face-to-face services until 14 June, 2020.

Although face-to-face services are still deactivated, Taxpayers (WP) can use other complaints facilities through DGT Contact Center or Kring Pajak, starting on 2 June, 2020. Kring Pajak is a complaint service provided by the authorities through various channels, such as the Twitter account @kring_pajak, email and, live chat on the website and by telephone 1500.200.Services provided through Kring Pajak can be accessed from 08.00-16.00 WIB every day.


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